
Cris Lyra is 34 years old and is a lesbian director and cinematographer based in São Paulo, Brasil.
In 2015 she directed her first short film, A PLEASED MAN. QUEBRAMAR is her second short. It will have its international premiere at IDFA 2019 (Competitive Shorts) and has been screed at the main brazilian festivals in 2019. Has been awarded Best Brazilian Short at the Curitiba Int. Film Festival - Olhar de Cinema - 2019.
Cris worked as a cinematographer for several short films and 3 features: CHÃO (Landless), from Camila Freitas, that premiered at the 69º Berlinale (2019), LEMBRO MAIS DOS CORVOS (I Remember the Crows), from Gustavo Vinagre, best film at the 40th edition of Cinéma du Réel, 2018, and best film at IndieLisboa 2018, among other prizes, and PARA’I, from Vinicius Toro, screened at Mannheim –Heidelberg International Film Festival 2018, at Guadalajara International Film Festival (FICG) 2019, Cartagena International Film Festival 2019 (competition), Festival do Rio 2018 (competition), among others.
As a director, Cris intends to reflect about being a lesbian body in the patriarchy.
UM HOMEM SATISFEITO (A Pleased Man) – 16min. 2015